How to Choose the Best Exercise Bikes

by Alexandra

There are many different needs such as improving the diet, improving the habits of physical inactivity, muscle training, rehabilitation … Accordingly, the criteria for choosing the best exercise bikes are also different. First of all, we will introduce in detail the characteristics of selection so that you can find the best product for you.

Types of Best Exercise Bikes

Types of Best Exercise Bikes
Types of Best Exercise Bikes

Exercise bikes have pros and cons depending on their shape, and their intended use varies. If you clearly specify the effect you want to achieve, you will be able to choose the type of machine that best suits your needs.

Stand Up Bike: Use As A Normal Bike

The vertical type lifts your body the same way you would a bicycle, and is the one that beginners should choose to use. This is a fairly affordable product line.

This type does not use much energy so it will not satisfy heavy acquaintances, but it is suitable for people who are dieting or need to improve sedentary status. The machine supports Cardio exercise, burn calories for a long time, support the reduction of fat in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs. Can adjust the position of handlebar and seat to suit each person’s condition.

Recumbent Exercise Bike: Long Time Workout With Comfortable Pose

This type is suitable for stretching movements. These movements are characterized by the back still relying on the fulcrum, but the foot is leaning forward on the pedal. Because it creates less pressure on the hips and buttocks, the recumbent exercise bike is suitable for people with low back pain, people with weakness or the elderly to practice for a long time.

Recommended for people who want to improve endurance, improve heart and lung function and exercise rehabilitation, but don’t need to overdo it. Although it takes up a lot of installation space due to its large size and weight, the machine is quite solid, and often used in rehabilitation centers.

Folding or X-Bike: Use Everywhere

With this type of bike, you can fold it when not in use to save storage space. Because of its simple structure, lightweight and many affordable products, it will be the best choice for beginners or those who need to improve sedentary status.

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However, because the saddle is high and not very stable compared to other types, it is not recommended to use for the weak.

Spin Bike: Heavy Workout

Like a sports bike, a rotating exercise bike is built to tilt your body forward. Features large and heavy wheels that can create enough pressure for cardio exercises.

These products have good durability, ideal for those who want to exercise hard at high intensity, such as HIIT. However, this is an advanced type, so it is not recommended for beginners.

Test Brake Performance and Safety in Use

Braking ability is also an important factor for you to use the exercise bike safely. If unlucky because choosing the wrong device causes the body to be injured, it will take both lead and fishing. So choose a machine that has the braking force within a suitable range of the body.

Measure Heartbeat

For those who buy exercise bikes for weight loss or endurance, the heart rate is very important. It is said that when practicing Cardio with a heart rate of 40 ~ 56% compared to the maximum, the fat burning effect is maximized. To keep the desired heart rate, a device with the heart rate measurement feature is most suitable.

Measuring Calories Burned

One of the useful functions of an exercise bike is to be able to tell you the calories consumed during a workout. If you’re buying an exercise bike for weight loss, it’s best to choose a product that measures calories burned.

By tracking calories burned, you will control your eating habits. For example, on days of low exercise, low calories consumed, you will automatically find you need to reduce junk food, or reduce the amount of dinner food.

Show Rotation Speed

Depending on the product and purpose of use, if you want to use an exercise bike for weight loss and fitness, it is best to run at 50-60 revolutions/minute. Therefore, you should select the device that displays the rotation speed to easily check the speed.

By keeping a constant pace, you can exercise for a long time without overexertion.


Maintaining a regular exercise routine, especially cycling each day for each person, will bring different effects to the body such as: Children riding bicycles will help the body healthy, strong bones and significantly improve the height, while the elderly will gently ride their arms, legs, knees flexibly, alleviate the condition of osteoarthritis pain every time “the wind comes to the sky”, and countless more health benefits.

It can be affirmed that: If you maintain the habit of cycling every day, it not only brings physical benefits but also helps you relax, reduce stress, improve life to become more meaningful.

About Alexandra

Content creation is my passion and profession. I am an avid reader which basically inspired me to get into writing. I love to read and know about almost everything under the Sun. Apart from spending time writing and reading, I love exploring new places and getting to know different cultures.

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